Our 26 facilities are located in perfect surroundings along the Helgeland coast

Våre anlegg

Nova Sea - farms

Associated companies - farms

Helgeland Smolt - smolt

Head office and Harvesting plant (star)

Våre anlegg

Nova Sea - farms

Associated companies - farms

Helgeland Smolt - smolt

Head office and Harvesting plant (star)

See each of the sites for key figures and details of certifications.

Gildeskål municipality

Træna municipality

Rana municipality

Vefsn municipality

Vevelstad municipality

Nesna municipality

Dønna municipality

Leirfjord municipality

*) Tomma Laks AS, *) Vega Sjøfarm AS


We are constantly striving to improve. If you have any feedback, questions or concerns about our production of salmon, or have experienced or witnessed any violation of the laws relating to safety, animal welfare, environmental protection or other statutes, please get in touch with us.

Contact us at post@novasea.no

Harvesting plant

Nova Sea’s harvesting plant is located in Lovund, which lies practically at the centre of our production area. The plant can handle 350 tonnes of fresh salmon and produce 25 tonnes of salmon fillet per day, and employs just over 130 people. With effect from 2021, Nova Sea has moved forward on its plans to build a new and ultra-modern harvesting plant in Lovund. The new harvesting plant will have an annual capacity of just over 100,000 tonnes and is scheduled for completion in the end of 2024. With the construction of a new harvesting plant in Lovund, Nova Sea wants to prove that it is possible to produce food of the highest quality for consumers worldwide – from premises on a small island at the very edge of the vast Norwegian Sea.

Visitor centre

Together with the man behind the Alex Sushi restaurant, Nova Sea has created a visitor centre in the prestigious Tjuvholmen development in Oslo. Norway is, after all, the world’s largest producer of farmed Atlantic salmon, and we want the public to learn more about salmon farming. It is perfectly possible to visit fish farms along our coast, but it is not always practical to get there. We have therefore relocated the experience to Oslo, so tourists, schoolchildren and everyone else can learn more about salmon and how it is farmed.

Alex Sushi

Alex Sushi is one of the most popular sushi restaurants in Oslo. Nova Sea acquired a stake in Alex Sushi in 2014. This gave Alex Sushi the chance to establish unique ties with the producer of their most popular raw material. Since the very beginning, Alex Sushi has searched for the very best ingredients on the market, and we are proud to be a co-owner of the restaurant.