Focusing on the environment

Alle Nova Sea sine aktiviteter skal styres etter prinsippet om en bærekraftig utvikling.

Environment | 11.04.2021

We strive to balance consideration for the environment and focus on production to ensure sustainable operations. All parts of Nova Sea strive to develop an environmental awareness and work directly in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the requirements set out in the ASC standard. We focus particularly on SDGs 12–15, as well as SDGs 2, 3, 8 and 9 on social and economic sustainability. Nova Sea uses its purchasing power to encourage suppliers to produce more sustainable products. This may be seen, for example, in the clear criteria we have set for the purchase of fish feed, which is the most important input factor for the production of farmed salmon.

All parts of Nova Sea strive to develop an environmental awareness and work directly in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the requirements set out in the ASC standard.

All of Nova Sea’s activities must be guided by the principle of sustainable development. Through a systematic emphasis on the sustainable use of resources, the company will be at the forefront of this development and will be the country’s most sustainable aquaculture company. Nova Sea engages in the development of new and sustainable fish farming technologies, while reducing its environmental and climate footprint. An example of this is our participation in the development of new technologies for offshore fish farming.

Nova Sea engages in the development of new and sustainable fish farming technologies, while reducing its environmental and climate footprint.

We perform environmental risk assessments on all our activities. Through these efforts, we map our impact and initiate necessary checks and follow-up measures. Our focus on and efforts to prevent the escape of fish is an important aspect of this work. The procedures we have for the follow-up and inspection of our sea farms’ net pens are among the toughest in the business, because we have no fish to lose.

Nova Sea strives to achieve a high level of waste recycling. This applies to biological materials, packaging, net pens and flotation collars. Both Nova Sea and its suppliers work actively to ensure that we make the best possible use of input factors, whether by recycling rope or by maximising the value we extract from our fish.

Facts about Nova Sea:

  • From 2019 to 2020, we reduced our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 7,300 tonnes CO2e. This roughly corresponds to the emissions created by 4,500 people in a year.
  • 98% of our feeding barges operate on electrical power supplied from onshore or use battery-hybrid solutions.
  • We have two fully battery-powered vessels already in operation and one more on the way.
  • In 2020, 97% of all discarded net pens were sent for materials recycling.
  • We do not use net pens impregnated with copper

Local circular value chains for recycling of plastics waste from the fish farming industry

Environment Food

Nova Sea joins Norwegian Seafood Trust to Track Salmon from Feed to Food

Fish Welfare

Fish health